
Linezolid Tablets IP 600 mg


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CIZOLID (Linezolid Tablets IP) is a powerful antibiotic that is commonly used for the treatment of various bacterial infections in the body. Linezolid Tablets belong to a class of antibiotics that are known as oxazolidinones. Linezolid Tablets work by stopping the production of protein that the bacteria need to grow. This action helps to stop the growth of the bacteria. Also, boosts the immune system to fight with the bacteria. 

Uses of Linezolid Tablets

Linezolid Tablets IP are used to treat serious infections that other antibiotics may not be able to effectively treat. These tablets are commonly prescribed to treat a variety of bacterial infections, including:

  • Skin infections
  • Lung infections
  • Pneumonia
  • Blood infections
  • UTIs 
  • Other serious bacterial infections

Side Effects of Linezolid Tablets IP

  • Headache
  • Insomnia
  • Anemia
  • Rash 
  • Gastrointestinal problems
  • Diarrhea
  • Blurred vision
  • Fever
  • Itching
  • Stomach pain
  • Dryness
  • Joint pain
  • Dizziness
  • Seizures

Dosage and Administration

The dosage of linezolid tablets may depend on the severity and type of the bacteria. The response to the medication will also decide the dosage. These tablets are not self-administrative. The duration of the treatment will be based on your health condition. Typically, these tablets are taken by mouth with a whole glass of water. 

Expert Advice for Linezolid Tablets

  • Linezolid tablets are prescribed for the treatment of serious bacterial infections. 
  • Do not chew or crush the tablets, as it may affect their effectiveness. 
  • If you don’t see any improvement within 14 days, talk to your doctor. 
  • Do not suddenly stop taking the tablets, even if you are feeling better. Complete the full course.
  • If you are experiencing bloody stools or allergic reactions, visit your doctor as soon as possible. 
  • It is advisable not to consume alcohol while on medication of Linezolid tablets as it may increase the chances of harmful side effects. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the use of linezolid tablets?

Linezolid tablets are used for the treatment of various bacterial infections in the body.

Is linezolid a strong antibiotic?

Yes, Linezolid is a strong antibiotic that is used for serious bacterial conditions. This is considered the last option for bacterial infections. 

When should I take Linezolid 600?

For an adult, Linezolid is advisable to take every 12 hours means 2 tablets of 600 mg per day. For children, the dose will prescribed by a doctor according to their age, weight, and gender. 

Is linezolid safe for pragnancy?

Linezolid should not be used in pregnant ladies. Or if necessary, take it with caution. 

Can linezolid tablets be used in breastfeeding? 

Linezolid tablets should be used with caution in breastfeeding mothers. As the study shows the medicine could be passed in the milk. But it will not harm the baby. The study shows the levels of linezolid that passed in breastmilk are very low in human milk. 

pack size

10×10 Alu-Alu

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